It's Time To Surge


Join me in praying for our students and teachers as they go back to school. 

Time for them to surge. 

Join me in praying for the MU students on campus, the professors, Christian Campus House, and the administration of the school.

Time for them to surge. 

Join me in praying for Forum and the other churches in Columbia. 

Time for us to surge. 

Join me in praying for our nation and our leaders.

Time for us to gather. To gather in prayer. To gather in thought and thoughtfulness. To gather and seek wisdom. To gather and seek understanding and peace. 

We need to “gather” and to “rest” as a nation so we can once again surge. 

This series of messages on “Resurgence” is so vital and relevant for every person. 

This Sunday we’ll look at a city where the church ignited a profound movement of change. The message of Jesus is transformative. It changes lives. It changes cities. If we let it, this message turns us towards the best life a human can have. 

It’s a message of hope. It’s a message of change. It’s a message that helps people to see other people as “created in the image of God” and of great value. 

It’s a message you need to hear. It’s a message your friends need to hear. It’s a message this town needs to hear. It’s a message this world needs to hear. 

I want to take a moment and say, “Well done” to our children’s ministry for putting together such a great event this past Sunday night for our families. Seeing so many families enjoying the night, seeing the BMX and motorcycle stunts, and hearing the message that “Jesus Saves” was truly a great night. 

Looking forward to a great time of worship with all of you Sunday. Invite a friend. See you then. 

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