

Is your view of God big? This past Sunday, as we heard Bradley talk about getting a larger view of God, the message had to stretch your vantage points of God. To see the pattern we as humans fall into is quite humbling. We are humans who are bound to our feelings and emotions. Put us into tough situations, and we tend to crack. Thus, the Israelites complaining about their lack of water and turning it onto Moses, rings very true and typical of human behavior. I know it rang true of my life. Ultimately, we tend to blame God for the life circumstances we are going through and lodge our complaints there. But to have an attitude of dependence upon God in every circumstance is to have a bigger view of God. To go to God when in the highs and lows of life glorifies Him. Having that type of dependent attitude is where God would have our hearts.

This Sunday we look at God as our Father. We cry out to Him, “Abba - Father.” Some hear that word and start thinking about the song “Dancing Queen” (from the 1980’s group ABBA), but it’s a Syriac or Chaldean word that means “father.” It’s a term of affection and of intimacy. It’s like calling out the word, “Daddy.” Isn’t it great to know the God of the universe is that close at hand? We can cry out to Him in a moment’s notice, and He listens to our concerns and cares. I think about the time Jesus taught his disciples to pray. What a revolutionary statement it was to hear Jesus teach the phrase, “Our Father, which art in heaven” because the word “Father” is such a term of endearment because of close family ties. When you approach the throne of God, you approach God as His child. What a great position to be in as a follower of Christ! 

This Saturday morning starting at 8 a.m., we’re having an outdoor workday to get the grounds up to speed for the spring and summer. Come at 8 a.m. ready to work, and we’ll point you in the right direction for that work. 

Looking forward to a great day of worship with you Sunday. This is a great message of God’s position in your life. It would be a great Sunday to invite someone to come and hear about the intimacy they too can have with God. I’m excited to be here this Sunday to hear this message. 


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