Are You Running on Empty?


I took this picture of my gas tank gauge this week and thought, "What we do week after week, month after month, and year after year could serve as a constant reminder to us." What do you do when you get low on gas in your vehicle? Uh, you go to a gas station. What do you do when you get low (metaphorically speaking) on fuel in your spiritual gas tank? Is the answer as easy? Are we as apt to prioritize spiritual refueling as we are to prioritize refueling our cars?

From another angle - what is your spiritual gas station? I was challenged by another pastor once when he said, "What stirs your affections for Christ?" That is a sort of fancy way of saying, "What fills your tank?" What moves your heart and mind to the place where your love for God begins to take priority? Maybe for you, it's listening to music, being in nature, going to church, praying, attending your small group, or...I don't know, you tell me. I would love to hear all the ways you fill your tank spiritually. Click here to share your spiritual fuel.

This Sunday is going to be unique, and I want to invite you to join us for Celebration Sunday. I have been getting a lot of questions about what we are going to be celebrating, but I am still not telling - you will have to come and find out!

See you then,


Elizabeth Cohea2 Comments