We are Leaving it Up

Last Sunday was a little bit different than a typical Sunday. During the message, we centered on how God has been overly generous to us, and if we were to take a step back and consider all the ways God demonstrates His love for us, we (in the words of the apostle Paul in 2 Cor. 9:15), "Thank God for this gift too wonderful for words!” 

So as a congregation, we, in some small way, said thanks to God by writing down all the things God has done in our lives, and we stuck them to this giant display out in the lobby. We have been so encouraged by all of you who joined us in that effort.  This past week, as a staff, we took time to pray over every one of those cards. We are going to leave that display up for the remainder of this series as a way for us to continue thanking God in this small but powerful way. There are extra cards and pens in the lobby near the display, and we hope that sometime over the next couple of weeks you will stop by that display of praise and help us thank God for all that he has done.  


One last thing.

At the very end of last week's message, we talked briefly about how, for the past six years, we have been in a building campaign. Over that past six years, we have paid off over 4 million dollars and completed two significant construction projects. With only 5 million left to pay off, we had a lot of people asking us, "How do we help?"  If you would like to join the leadership team and staff in paying off the remaining balance, you can write 'building fund' in the memo line of your check or select 'building fund' when you give online or through our mobile app.

See you Sunday.


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