Jesus is...

I recently spent some time with a friend who comes from a very different faith background. As diverse as our beliefs are we used a lot of the same language to talk about God, and we both quote and use the Bible as a way to discuss theological ideas. If you were sitting within earshot of our conversation, you might even think we both were ministers at a church. 

Despite the jargon, Bible quotations, and friendly banter, there is one stark contrast to our beliefs. Though not easy to discern on the surface, the difference is as opposite as black and white. He believes Jesus was a created being who is the reflection (among many others) of the Father and I believe that Jesus is one with the Father. His understanding of Jesus shapes his view of God, reality, and his role on this earth - and so does mine.  

I tell you this to remind you of how important our view of Jesus actually is. That is one of the primary reasons we have spent so much time looking at the “I am” statements of Jesus in our current sermon series. To consider not, what do others say about Jesus, but what does Jesus say about Himself. This series is so crucial for us as a church, and it challenges us all to consider, or maybe re-consider, what we believe about Jesus. 

So as we continue this week in our series “I Am Jesus” let me encourage you to invite someone to experience a community of people on mission to not only share the message and love of Jesus but to experience a community committed to showing it. Around this time of year, people are a little bit more open to the idea of God and to the idea of maybe attending church. Your invitation could make the difference in someone's life. 

A few weeks ago Scott preached a very moving and inspirational sermon at his alma mater Johnson University. You can find the link to watch it here. During that message he spoke of how important it was to have a community of people in your corner, cheering you on, encouraging you to be faithful and seek the Lord. In a culture today that is bombarding us with messages about what to do, who to be, what to buy, and what to believe - surrounding yourself with a community of people that desires what’s best for you and wants you to grow closer to Jesus is vital. It is that kind of community we are a part of here at Forum and l look forward to seeing you on Sunday.


God's Work and Word Overwhelm Me

It was the hardest message I’ve ever preached. For weeks upon weeks, I did everything I could to take it and steer it in a different direction, but the Lord wouldn’t allow it. 

Yesterday, I had the opportunity to preach at Johnson University’s annual Preaching and Teaching Homecoming. It’s an event I’ve attended pretty much every year since I graduated. It has been a constant source of encouragement, connection, and engagement for our entire family (we’ve all graduated from JU). It’s an extension of God’s church reflecting the love and the sense of family, and being a constant training ground helping to equip us. 

If you would like to hear my message, here’s the link. The sermon starts at about the 18-minute mark. 

It’s a message about hope and perseverance. It’s a message about overcoming in the name of Jesus. It’s a message that, in the background - unheard and unspoken, yet deep within my heart, is about the incredible action and movement of God in your lives and in the ministry of Forum.

“But you’ve preached part of your dad’s funeral, your grandma’s funeral, funerals of friends and their children. Why would this be harder than those?” 

It’s harder because I don’t like exposing my emotions. But here’s the bottom line truth: I love our Lord who saved us. I love the leadership of Forum. I love the staff God has drawn here. Those simple truths, when I step back and contemplate them, drive me to a place of complete thanksgiving. 

So in this message, there’s a moment where I start to really get emotional. It happens around the 44-minute mark. Behind some of those emotions are the deep love, respect, and awe I have for our staff. I don’t say it anywhere near enough, but I love serving the Lord with these truly ordinarily exceptional men and women. I love the passion and diligence Bradley brings into ministry. I love the deep love of Jesus that Tyler Morris exudes. I love the sincerity and love for students Tyler Hensley exhibits. Blake and Elizabeth, though they serve in two different areas, are an unparalleled team. The depth of love for kids and the Lord that flows through Rochelle is so winsome. Tarry and Poppy are such a beautiful, God loving couple. Jody brings such a heart of “I desire to get to know you on a personal basis - I’m here for you.” Max brings a depth of life experience as well as a deep, deep mindfulness connected to our stewardship of missions. Jessie truly loves kids and loves the Lord. Julie is a woman who leans on the Holy Spirit as much as anyone I’ve ever known. Ben approaches every situation with diligence and an unparalleled work ethic. Marlowe brings a love of service, diligence, and “can do” into each ministry opportunity he takes on. Our administrative team of Kim, Melinda, and Melanie all bring unique talents and gifts that help Forum soar. 

I say this because I’ve been driven to my knees in humble gratitude for what God is doing. I say this because I’ve been around nearly 700 ministers over the past 2 weeks and many of them express concerns about inner staff drama. We don’t have that. What we have is a unified staff who loves to do ministry in the name of Jesus, who deeply cares about you as a congregation, who loves our community and wants to connect people to Jesus. 

This Sunday we continue to boldly shout out this hope and love talking about I AM Jesus. This week we talk about “I am the light of the world.” 

God’s love shines into the darkness of this world. Jesus comes into our dark places and says, “Here I am - I am your light.” 

Looking forward to sharing this incredible message. It would be a great week to bring friends, family, or someone you know who needs the light. 

See you Sunday!

Elizabeth CoheaComment
Grade Us

This week I’m at a conference for ministers who serve in churches the size of Forum and larger. I won’t go into the numbers of people some of these ministers are serving because it can become overwhelming and can cause some to say, “Is that Scott’s focus? Is that what our church is focused on?” 

I’m very happy to say, “God is the one who grows His church. We simply respond to the growth God sends to us.” 

Secondly, it’s  easy to purposefully say, “Our focus is to intentionally connect people to Jesus.” As a staff, as leaders, as people serving within this ministry - that’s our focus. We don’t focus on numbers or on pecking order in terms of “how big” our church is compared to others. God would have us to be a healthy, thriving church family ever connecting people to Jesus. 

While being around these very Godly, mission-driven, and high-capacity leaders, some common characteristics emerge very quickly. I’ll share some observations about these healthy, thriving churches: 

  1. They are completely and intensely focused on God’s word, preaching, and teaching throughout their ministries. 
  2. There is a constant pursuit of unity through seeking God’s leadership. There’s a high awareness that Jesus is Lord of the church.
  3. Intentionality and pursuit of excellence are highly valued and prized.
  4. Ministry innovation, change, and failure are part of the fabric of their pursuit of doing ministry.
  5. “Wins” are loudly and frequently celebrated so the culture of the ministry aligns with values. 

I’d like you to grade Forum on these observations:

Where can we grow?
How can you help us to enhance this and help us grow?

Keep praying intensely for our ministry. 

This Sunday we continue in the “I AM” Jesus sermon series focusing on the Lordship of Jesus Christ. I was sitting next to a minister who leads a ministry of around 8500 in the Raleigh-Durham area. Their ministry is going through a series right now titled “I am second.” Among the central truths arising from “I AM” is the reality that He is on His throne. He has the right and authority to save. He communicates to us, “This is the way things are. This is how you are saved: through relationship with me. It’s not about family heritage. It’s not about nationality. It’s about a personal relationship with me.” 

I tell you the truth, I was bummed this past Sunday because I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE worshiping at Forum, doing life together, and seeing the constant forward movement of God within this community. 

Can’t wait for Sunday. See you then. 

PS - Our staff is moving into the new offices and we’ll have movement and new classrooms around the facility. This is another one of those moves that’s going to serve our community and congregation very, very well. Thanks for your constant faithfulness in giving, prayer, and service!

Elizabeth CoheaComment