Something Great is Happening!
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It’s great to see God at work in the lives of so many people. It’s outstanding to see the church growing and thriving in the name of Jesus. This past Sunday we had the largest non-holiday attendance in Forum’s history. That’s the way to start off fall semester! To those who listened to the Guardrails sermon on sexuality, I hope it was meaningful to you. As you seek intimacy and the purity the Lord would have you to establish, the best insight I can share is this: “Live for Christ and His glory” and “Seek first God’s kingdom and His righteousness.” 

This week we continue in the Guardrails series focusing on God’s guardrails for your heart. In scripture we are instructed to guard our heart. It’s an important thing to do to guard your heart. Deep within a person’s being is the heart. Christ said,  “You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind.” Following Christ isn’t easy. Following Him takes our all. All that we are: heart, mind, and soul are to follow Him. We’ll be in Proverbs 4 this Sunday discussing a guardrail to your heart. 

And speaking of hearts, I’m going to be having bypass surgery on September 6 in St. Louis. I’d ask you to be in prayer for my family and me. That will mean I’m out of the pulpit again for several weeks, but know that we’re in good shape with Bradley, Tyler, and Blake preaching and teaching each week. I’m so grateful to have such a strong staff to fill the pulpit.

We’re on the cusp of getting into the new facility, which will mean ministry expansion once again. The parking lot will be accessible soon - including our entrance off of Nifong. This new family life center is going to add a new dimension to the ministry, beginning with the relocation of our youth areas as soon as the space is ready. Please be praying about all of the growth and movement occurring within the ministry. 

I can’t wait to worship with you this Sunday. Each Sunday Is very dear to me because I see life change each week. I see worshipers sold out to Jesus. I see families gathered around God’s word centering their lives on it. It’s a joy to be part of worship at Forum. 

See you Sunday! 


Elizabeth CoheaComment
A Day of Possibility
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What a great day this past Sunday was! We kicked off our Guardrails series in strong fashion looking at wisdom as a guardrail. Dialing in to God’s wisdom is the way to go for this life. Seeking His Kingdom first is a great way to navigate life. Bradley did a solid job of pointing us towards God’s wisdom in Proverbs 1 on Sunday. 

We also had a great night as a fellowship at Wilson’s Beach Club. With over 500 people in attendance, it was a great night. The night was filled with water, sand volleyball, tennis, bounce houses, Kan jam, and hot dogs. It was truly a phenomenal night of fellowship. Thanks to our youth ministry team for putting it together.

This Sunday we look at the scripture guardrails connected to human sexuality and seek God’s wisdom for this. God created our sexuality. He’s the designer and author of life so it’s the righteous thing to listen to Him in these matters. We have an industry aimed at getting our attention through pornography. We have schools that hand out contraceptives. We have more people living together before marriage and “trying it on for size” (if they get married at all). Then there are the issues of same sex unions and alternative lifestyles. What does God say about all of this? We’ll look into these matters on Sunday. 

Let me encourage you to invite a friend to church this Sunday. The sermon topic will be relevant to people in our community, making it a Sunday filled with possibility. 

Looking forward to another stellar day of worship in God’s presence with you this Sunday! See you then,


P.S. It’s time for nominations for elders and deacons. There are forms at the Starting Point for you to fill out and submit in connection to these roles. 

Elizabeth CoheaComment
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It was good to be in the pulpit Sunday closing out the “Pause” series.  This past Sunday we focused on pausing for cleansing. Saying unto God, “Have mercy on me oh God” and coming to Him with a contrite heart to make us clean is the place to start. Having six people come forward for prayer let me know God’s Spirit was moving in this church. Having Noah and Caleb Mayer baptized that afternoon was also a great example of how we can experience God’s cleansing. This week, go to God for cleansing. Bear your soul to the Lord for sins committed. Confess your sins to the Lord and receive His cleansing. 

This week we start a new series called “Guardrails.” Guardrails are a system put in place to keep vehicles from straying into dangerous or off limit areas. We are going to talk about God’s guardrails for our lives and putting them into place for our protection. This Sunday we’re going to look at God’s wisdom and having that in place in your life. This series could impact your thinking for years to come. It has the potential to help you with the definition for your sexuality. It has the potential to alter the way you think about money and your habits with money. It has the potential to change the way you speak and communicate. The goal is for us to be Christ-like. As followers of Jesus we should act like, talk like, live like, and love like Jesus did. We strive to imitate Him. This series is going to help you to do that. 

Sunday afternoon, you’re invited to join us for a pool party at Wilson’s Beach Club from 4-8. This is a no cost event for you and your family. There will be free food at the event as well. Also, get your life group or other friends together and register online to compete in the sand volleyball tournament. 

As ever, I’m looking forward to a great Sunday worshiping with you. I look forward to this new series of teaching that will be so very practical and insightful for your life. I look forward to the full tilt worship that we experience each Sunday. I look forward to it all. 

Can’t wait to see you Sunday,


Elizabeth CoheaComment