
This week we start a new sermon series called, “re-sur-gence.” If ever you’ve been to the ocean, you quickly discover the ebb and flow of the tides. Further, you can’t help but notice the perpetual pounding of the waves. Wave upon wave upon wave keeps coming in hammering the shoreline. Turn a blind eye to it and one could easily knock you over. 

This type of surge upon surge upon surge is the very type of momentum God uses in His kingdom. God would have His kingdom to advance, gather energy, advance, gather energy, and continue advancing. 

Synonyms for this type of resurgence include “revival”, “renewal”, “a comeback”, “regeneration”, or even “resurrection”. 

So over the next weeks, we’re going to look at anatomies of these types of turn a rounds and revivals. As a ministry, we will strive to surge, gather together in worship, and then make additional surges as we strive to reach Columbia for Jesus Christ. 

These types of movement (which is already happening to many degrees within this ministry) take a lot of spiritual discernment and discipline. It takes a lot of kinetic energy as a church works together in unity to connect people to Jesus. 

Friends, I’m so hopeful, connected to this fall and the ministry of Forum because I think the Lord has a lot of people He wants us to reach here in Columbia. 

This series “re-sur-gence” is a great series to invite friends, family, neighbors, and even total strangers to come and experience. 

Great Family Event Sunday Night: 

Connected to this very type of resurgence, there’s a great event for you to invite people to this Sunday night. It’ll be a night with BMX/motorcycle stunts, Kona Ice, food, inflatables, and other great stuff happening. You can go to the ForHim Children’s Ministry page on Facebook and get the details connected to this event. Use your Facebook page as a platform to invite friends to come.  

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