What an incredible day Easter was!

With 1775 in the 4 services, it was an impactful day. It was a joy to see all the services filled with people!

  • The video reviewing the baptisms with “Resurrecting” and “Raised to Life” integrated into it was powerful to witness.
  • Bradley did a great job expounding the scripture and opening up a dialogue in the realm of doubts surrounding the resurrection.
  • The day was fast and fun with Juggling Jeff ministering to our elementary-aged young people.
  • We had a good number of people take advantage of the morning pancake breakfast.
  • Many commented as well about the meaningfulness of the Good Friday Worship Event. Tyler and his team did a great job putting that together.

This Sunday we continue in our sermon series “I AM Jesus.” We will see that Christ’s mission to save the world is not stagnant, but is ongoing. It captures people who don’t want to be near it. It changes people’s lives. This week we’ll see Christ grab the heart of one who hated Christ followers and change him. Life change is what Jesus is about. You may have friends who are “No to Jesus” type of people. This would be a good message for them to hear and experience.

Each week, we strive to set up services that lift up Jesus. We continue to see the scripture played out that when we lift up Christ, He will draw people to Himself. 

Looking forward to seeing you all on Sunday. 


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