The Friday Five


We are going to mix things up a bit for this Friday. The Friday Five will feature all sorts of different things. This week's five are things to think about, listen to, watch, and enjoy.

1. New Song

We are going to be introducing a great new song over the next three weeks entitled, "Raise a Hallelujah." You can check it out here - it's my kids' favorite as of late.

2. Great Quote

Henry Ford once said, "Whether you think you can, or you think you can't - you're right."

3. New Teaching Series

We are starting a new series this Sunday called "New Season." It's based out of 1 Peter chapter 1 and will last for three weeks. This is a great series to invite a friend to check out. 

4. RightNow Media

RightNow Media might be one of the best free resources that Forum provides for everyone who attends. It's like the "Netflix of Video Bible Studies" and has a HUGE library of faith-based videos that you can access whenever and wherever you want—on your phone, iPad, computer, or at home on your TV. Click here to check it out. You can get free access by simply emailing our Connections Minister - Jody Riley at

5. Sports Camp

We had a great Sports Camp this past weekend. Led by our children's ministry team (Rochelle Gerdts, Leslie Potter, and Jessie Spellman) and 116 awesome volunteers we were able to leverage what kids are already interested in and use it to connect them to Jesus. It was His people loving kids and each other that made this past weekend so amazing. Click here to see a fun recap video.

See you Sunday - 


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