How's Your Heart?


“How’s your heart?” is a question I learned from my wife. She asks our kids this on a pretty regular basis to get below the surface of everyday life. It’s a question that forces us to consider the current condition of our thoughts and emotions and to recognize the state of our attitudes and actions. With our kids, you never know what they are going to say.

Many of us are not naturally reflective, so the question can seem jarring, but nonetheless effective at peeling back the layers of our mental and spiritual health.

So let me ask you, “How’s your heart?” I would love to hear how you are doing, what you are struggling with, what opportunities you have had, or have lost. Reply to this email if you would like to share a little bit of what is going on in your life. You could also take this quick survey (takes less than 3 minutes) to let us know your thoughts on just six questions - click here.

“How’s your heart?” is an excellent question to ask the people in your life. But be careful, you never know what answer you might get.

I hope you will join us for our digital gathering this Sunday at 9!

- Bradley